Schedule style_2

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# Topic Speaker TimeHall
1 Marketing WorkshopLara Quize, Steve John, James Morgan09:30 - 10:30Times Complex
2 Introduction BusinessDaizy Chirs10:30 - 12:00B.City Complex
3 Marketing StrategySteve John00:30 - 02:00Times Complex
4 Introduction BusinessMichel Zozo00:00 - 01:00City Hutt Complex
# Topic Speaker TimeHall
1 Digital Marketing TheoryMichel Zozo02:30 - 03:30Newyork Complex
2 Mass MarketingMark Willy03:30 - 04:30City Hutt Complex
3 Digital Marketing TheoryJames Morgan09:00 - 10:30B.City Complex
4 Introduction BusinessMark Willy01:00 - 02:30B.City Complex
# Topic Speaker TimeHall
1 Marketing StrategySteve John11:00 - 00:00Times Complex
2 Digital Marketing TheoryCristian Zozo00:30 - 01:30Newyork Complex
# Topic Speaker TimeHall
1 Marketing WorkshopJames Morgan02:00 - 03:00City Hutt Complex
2 Marketing WorkshopMark Willy12:00 - 02:00City Hutt Complex
# Topic Speaker TimeHall
1 Introduction BusinessAyrin Dina00:00 - 01:00Times Complex
2 Introduction BusinessCarolin Rose01:30 - 02:30Newyork Complex
3 Introduction BusinessSteve John, Cristian Zozo00:00 - 02:30B.City Complex